APA Style for Dummies

The Best Research Paper Topics

Writing a research paper in a good way implies certain conditions one of which is having an excellent topic. It’s that important because students can rarely write good papers on the topics that they dislike. First motivation – then an achievement! However, before you’re ready to choose one of the topics below, you should first […] Read more >>

How to Write an Informal Essay

Most of the academic assignments require objectivity, thoroughness, and bringing facts instead of own philosophy and point of view, but the informal essay is an exception. An author should emphasize personal acceptation of the problem, item,or event while writing it. Moreover, the well-done informal essay writing should bring a reader the perception of conversation with […] Read more >>

Writing an Essay: Beginnings and Endings

Coming up with ideas for writing an essay is actually not that much hard. The most challenging thing, however, is to write proper beginning and ending. Despite the fact that introduction is the very first paragraph of an essay, it is usually written after the body as it should be the most thought-provoking, inspiring, and […] Read more >>

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