An essay is a common academic task that is assigned in many classes. Even if you are going to enter college, you will need to write a personal essay. As such, this task is unavoidable for everyone. At the same time, some students find it rather challenging to cope with it because they cannot make up the great content and organize their ideas properly. If you are one of them, we are going to provide you with effective tips that will make your life easier. Writing an essay can be a truly interesting process if you follow the specific secrets provided in our article.
Understand Your Assignment
We assure you that by studying your assignment properly and understanding all its points, you will be able to write your essay without any problems. Knowing your assignment, you will choose the right approach and focus on your essay. Moreover, the style of your essay, as well as its structure, will also depend on your awareness of the topic. It will be easier to understand the topic if you read it carefully and find out what does your professor expects from you – “evaluate,” “analyze,” “discuss,” “suggest,” etc.
The common essay types are as follows:
- Compare and contrast essay. Such a paper should focus on the similarities and differences of two or more concepts, issues, events, policies, etc.
- Narrative essay. This essay is usually very personal and aims to reveal the writer`s personality from different perspectives. It requires telling a story, which should talk about the writer and his/her experiences. As such, this essay is usually written in the first person and uses vivid language;
- Admission essay. This essay should state that you are ready for college because you possess all the necessary knowledge, skills, and qualifications to succeed in it.
- Argumentative essay. In such an essay, the primary author`s goal is to convince the reader of a particular point of view providing credible facts and examples proving these arguments;
- Descriptive essay. As the name suggests, a descriptive essay should describe a particular event, issue, concept, etc. Figuratively speaking, this essay requires drawing a picture with the help of words. When you need to write a descriptive essay, you have to focus on sensory details and colorful words since the most successful descriptive essays always appeal to the reader`s emotions;
- Persuasive essay. When writing this essay, the author insists on a specific viewpoint trying to convince the reader of its validity;
- Expository essay. It is an informative piece that presents a balanced analysis of the topic providing the reader with statistical data, facts, and good examples.
- IB extended essay. This essay embodies an independent investigation that ponders on particular research questions and reveals the personal interests of a student.
- Interview essay. An essay that explores the different perspectives on a topic by using evidence from interviews.
- Cause and effect essay seeks to find the relationship between two variables seeing the one which has caused some issue and another is viewed as an effect of the cause
- Informative essay is an academic assignment that focuses on informing the intended audience about the particular subject. A subject for an informative essay can be a person, phenomenon, thing, event, policy, etc.
Follow the Citation Style
Most probably, the professor`s instruction will contain information about the writing style needed. We assure you that if you want to get a good grade for your essay, this requirement should be fulfilled precisely. It means that it should work on citing all sources in a specific style, as well as take care of the common paper`s format.
When working with the sources for your essay, make sure to pick up the most reliable and credible ones, and keep in mind that academic articles and books are the best sources of information.
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Work with Your Topic
When you know the type of your essay, you will find it easier to select a good topic. If your professor allows you to choose one, try to pick up the topic with a clear focus. We recommend you to take some time to brainstorm your ideas. Try to think about the subject that seems interesting to you and the one that has plenty of materials to work with. If the professor provided you with the topic, think about how to develop it in a good way. Should it be a specific analysis or just a brief overview? We assure you that diligent work on the prewriting stage will help you avoid unnecessary revisions. Create a thesis statement that will be related to your topic. Keep in mind that the discussion developed in your essay should either prove or disapprove your thesis statement.
Create a Good Outline
In order to produce a great essay, you have to organize your thoughts properly. By taking several important ideas and putting them in your outline, you will be able to see the links between these ideas and understand how to organize them well. The outline will become a foundation of your essay that will help you develop your ideas without focusing your attention on the unnecessary information.
Write the Essay
When you have a good outline, writing the essay won`t be a difficult process. Start your essay with the introduction in which you will inform the reader about your topic and your primary goals within its scope. Your introduction should include the so-called “hook” that will grab the reader`s attention and make him/her follow the flow of your ideas. Also, your introduction should have a thesis statement in its end. The introduction is always followed by the thesis-driven main body that should present the discussion on your topic. In this part, you are free to present the findings of other researchers about your topic, as well as your own observations. In your main body, you are free to present your arguments in a logical way and support them with credible evidence. Each paragraph should start with the topic sentence, which is a thesis statement in a miniature. To put it simply, your topic sentence should explain what is your paragraph about. Finally, your conclusion should address all the arguments discussed in the paper without repeating them. In your concluding paragraph, you are also free to point out the value of your research. The length of your conclusion depends on the length of your paper, though, very often, the conclusion is brief and meaningful. All in all, do not overestimate the value of your conclusion because it serves for making an impression on your audience.
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When the paper is written, do not forget to edit it and proofread it. Also, if you are not sure about the originality of your paper, we recommend you to run it through the plagiarism checker. To bring you the best grade, your paper should be totally perfect not only in terms of content but also in terms of style, language, punctuation, and spelling. Read your paper sentence-by-sentence and make sure to check your paper for:
- Unclear points;
- Excessive wordiness;
- Illogical organization and unclear transitions;
- Inappropriate language and tone;
- Run-on sentences.
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To summarize, we assure you that diligent work and a responsible approach to every academic assignment will help you become a skilled and proficient writer. Believe in yourself!