Classify Different Household Objects in Your Home

HomeEssaysClassification EssayClassify Different Household Objects in Your Home


Our daily life continually demonstrates that the process of classification is present in all spheres starting from business and industrial needs to simple family relocation. Indeed, moving a huge amount of property from one place to another requires enormous logistic preparation and planning. Unless all the items which are to be transferred to another place have to be systematically enumerated and classified in accordance with specific criteria; the results of relocation can be haphazard and mixed. Usually, it results in additional work needed to categorize them again and put everything in its proper place.

Nowadays, the concept of classification is known to be the process during which the objects and items are grouped into specific categories according to specific purposes (Henri & Lefebvre, 2005). Conventionally, there must be a specific relationship between the items and other objects involved in the process. The crucial importance of effective classifications and categorizations has been demonstrated in software development, banking, international finance, and trade business areas.

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The objective of this paper is to outline the basic principles which guide the process of classification and show how they are applied in domestic items systematization. The first part of this paper speculates on the criteria of this classification, while the second one provides the list of the categorized items.

Classification Principles

First and foremost, it is necessary to accentuate the fact that a huge number of different criterion involving functionality, size, date of production, date of modification, producer, price, affordability, availability, and other physical and financial metrics can be applied for the needs of the categorization process.

In the context of this paper, the tenet of functionality is the cornerstone. In other words, all the household items located in the residence of the categorized through their industrial application, i.e. for what purpose they are typically applied. It is necessary to make a reservation that items can be applied for several needs; hereby their categorization criteria overlap.

Considering the vast number of the analyzed items, two main approaches followed the course of this analysis. Firstly, the items have been categorized into groups encompassing their major industrial functional characteristics. Then, the analysis shifts to the subcategories analyzing specific purposes for which a particular item (or group of items) is utilized.


The furniture encompasses everything which is used for items and persons’ location and storage. The subcategories of this group are the kitchen furniture, the hall furniture, the guestroom furniture, the office furniture, and the bedroom furniture.

The subcategories of kitchen furniture involve everything aimed at personal seating, food preparation, or kitchenware storage. The following items fall within the requirements of the subcategory in question. Namely, they involve kitchen table, kitchen chairs, kitchen armchair, kitchenware cupboard where the knives, spoons, and forks are located and stored, table for microwave oven, and the bars supporting the air conditioner.

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Secondly, the items involved in the process of food preparation present the second group of our categorization. This group comprises pots, pans, knives, spoons, forks, colanders, ladles, microwave oven, conventional oven, a refrigerator used to store products in usable condition, and other items that are directly or indirectly involved in the process of cooking.

The kitchenware subcategory involves plates, cups, forks, spoons, and everything which is used for food and beverage consumption. During the fest events or on specific solemn occasions, holiday tablecloth and luxury wine glasses become attributable to this category as well.

Sport Facilities

The second large group of the classified objects deals with the available support and work out items and facilities located domestically. They can be classified into three subcategories. The first subsection in this context is the appliances and the tools utilized for muscle growth and cardiovascular training. The second group involves sports clothing, i.e. the outfits which are worn by the individuals during the sports sessions. The last group includes auxiliary sports items such as specific sports nutrition, ointments, and bandages used to cure different physical distresses, or timers to calculate the duration of the sport and workout sessions.

The first category is reasonable to allocate the horizontal bars, the automatically functioning running track, the bench-press facility, and the dumbbells. The main generic feature of these elements is that they all are applied for muscle training, muscle growth, or cardiovascular exercises used for obesity treatment or fat burning exercising.

The second subcategory involves the outfit which is worn by the amateur athletes during the domestic physical training sessions. This list includes sneakers, sports costumes, headbands, socks, shorts, and other types of sports clothing.

The latest subcategory contains everything which is utilized during the preparation of the gymnastic activities and everything which is applied after the session has been finished. It involves timers to calculate the duration of the physical exercises, heart rate metrics appliances, shower gels, and shampoos, as well as printed or web-based programs of personal physical development or video training courses downloaded to the hard disk of the personal computer.

Office Items

The next category is linked to the analysis of professional performance. Office equipment is everything that is utilized by the owner of the residence for the educational and business needs. The subcategories involve the hardware and other physical objects and the software installed on the personal computer and laptop of the owner.

Firstly, the list of hardware and physical objects includes everything which has been mechanically produced for the educational and professional necessities of the house owner. Practically, this list contains the personal computer and its composite items like hard drive, operational memory, and keyboard. Then, office tables, bookshelves, stationery, and office supplies like pencils, pens, sheets of office paper, printers, faxes, and scanners.

The software list includes the installed Microsoft Office, Windows, Web browsers, and electronic libraries in different readable formats.

Relaxation Items

The last group of the analyzed categorization deals with the items which are utilized for the resting needs of the house owner. They are categorized into two subgroups. The first subgroup includes electronically based items, while the second one contains everything which is functioning on the nonelectric basis.

To illustrate, items of the first list attribute to the television, personal computer, and the video games often played by the house owner, iPhone, and iPad. The generic feature for all these relaxation items is that all of them need electricity to function.

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The second subgroup includes everything which is used for relaxation needs, but which does not require electricity and other types of energy for their functional needs. This list is typically represented by chess, draughts, dices, playing cards, and books. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that sequence categorization is possible by grouping the books into fictional, historical, documentary, and other types of reading and categorizing the games into gambling games and mathematically oriented games.


Having summarized the main findings of this paper, several conclusions can be made. First and foremost, categorization and classification procedures are important for business and personal needs. Secondly, categorization is crucial during relocation operations. Finally, this paper presents an example of how a simple classification of domestic items can be conducted.

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