The government of the state of New York stipulated the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) project for the majority of local hospitals with the aim of redesigning current healthcare facilities in the region. Arguably, the project was focused on restructuring the delivery system of healthcare organizations by reinvesting on the Medicaid Program, ultimately targeting the reduction of healthcare facility use by 25% over five years. The program consumed up to $6.42 billion as the payouts had been based on the facility’s achievement in its resultant transformation and nursing management as well as population health (Department of Health, 2016). Therefore, the project was adopted by Mount Sinai Hospital (MSH), a well-known hospital in the region. This paper will outline the emergent changes in MSH as they implement the DSRIP program.
DSRIP at Mount Sinai Hospital
The Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) is a proposed reform that should be adopted by hospitals in the United States (Department of Health, 2016). It is meant to ensure that hospitals can offer high-quality services at very affordable prices. In Mount Sinai Hospital, the implementation process of the DSRIP system began in 2014. It is important for the hospital to strategize carefully in the implementation process so that it could attain targeted results. Therefore, the leaders of the hospital work together to ensure that the implementation process is successful for the hospital to enjoy the benefits associated with the new system. This paper provides a review of how the DSRIP system will change the day-to-day activities at Mount Sinai Hospital. Additionally, the paper will highlight what is required of the leaders at MSH to foster the implementation of the DSRIP project as they abide by the ethical principles and standards of the facility as well as the code of ethics as per the project at hand.
Effect of DSRIP on Mount Sinai Hospital in the Future
One of the effects that will be observed in Mount Sinai Hospital in the future is the increased patient-centeredness (Mount Sinai Hospital, 2014). The DSRIP is intended to push hospitals into adjusting the existing system so that they could be more focused on providing high-quality services to the patients who visit them. Therefore, patients will enjoy their stay at the hospital since they will be served efficiently. Every sector of the hospital will coordinate the actions with each other to ensure that the patients have the best experience while receiving treatment at Mount Sinai Hospital (Mount Sinai Hospital, 2014).
The adoption of the DSRIP will also lead to Mount Sinai Hospital being transparent in all its operations (Mount Sinai Hospital, 2014). Transparency is important in a hospital because the public is able to understand everything that happens in the hospital. The information helps consumers not to be caught by surprises of decisions made concerning the operations of institutions or the services that they offer. Primarily, it happens because the facility will operate in a way similar to other hospitals in New York State.
The DSRIP system will further help Mount Sinai Hospital increase its accountability (Mount Sinai, 2014). This effect will be caused by the fact that the operations of the hospital are required to be transparent. The management of the hospital will be answerable for every action that the hospital engages in. This will serve to ensure that the hospital operates within the nationally-set standards. They will be able to offer services that meet high national standards. They will also work to ensure that they operate within given schedules. The management will make sure that their time management is succinct in order to get the best possible performance (Mount Sinai Hospital, 2014).
Furthermore, Mount Sinai Hospital will also be affected by the adoption of the DSRIP system in its focus on the value aspect of its operations (Mount Sinai, 2014). One of the biggest impacts of DSRIP is the increased value of remunerators, stakeholders, and patients. The management will work to make sure that the hospital provides high-quality services to everyone who visits the hospital as well as those associated with the hospital. Thus, the hospital will receive high-value returns of the amounts they pay or invest in the hospital.
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The DSRIP system will further lead to Mount Sinai Hospital to reduce the charges that the patients have to pay for the services offered (Mount Sinai Hospital, 2014). Consequently, the system will ensure that the hospital maximizes its resources, including time. This will lower the operational costs, which will, in turn, lead to the reduced charges that patients have to pay. Therefore, patients will receive high-quality services at reasonably low prices.
Current Situation at Mount Sinai Hospital
Currently, in Mount Sinai Hospital, the economic measures, which the management has undertaken to ensure that the implementation of the DSRIP is performed smoothly, include managing the funds that they receive from the state to continue with the implementation process. The government requires that hospitals report regularly on their effectuation progress (Department of Health, 2016). Therefore, the management of Mount Sinai Hospital works to ascertain that it gives the required reports on time so that it could receive its share of funding on time. Thus, the activities in the hospital are not delayed by fiscal deficits.
The current political situation of the DSRIP project, on the other hand, involves control that the government has in the project implementation (Department of Health, 2016). The management of Mount Sinai Hospital works to ensure that it meets all the requirements that the government sets regarding the implementation process. The government gives deadlines for the completion of various milestones of the project (Gourdon, 2014). Therefore, the management organizes and pushes every member of the implementation team for them to complete each milestone on time. Thus, team members are motivated to reach the completion and success of the project.
Additionally, a social situation is under control with the governance of the management of Mount Sinai Hospital (Mount Sinai, 2014). The management has ensured that it has involved members of society in the implementation process. It coordinates efforts with stakeholders of the hospital such as behavioral health providers. Coordination helps to ensure that the implementation process runs smoothly because the hospital has highly skilled team members at its disposal. Thus, team members combine their strengths to ascertain that the project is implemented in a timely and satisfactory manner (Gourdon, 2014).
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Role of Leaders
The leaders in Mount Sinai Hospital have the responsibility of ensuring that the DSRIP project assesses and meets the requirements of society it serves successfully (Mount Sinai, 2014). It is important for the hospital to meet the needs of those it serves so that its customers were treated appropriately in any good hospital. Therefore, leaders must make sure that the adoption of the DSRIP does not hinder the institution’s ability to serve society. In the cases, where they find that the project hinders the organization from serving consumers, they advocate changes, thus increasing the effectiveness of both the project and the hospital.
The leaders also have a responsibility of ensuring that the new system helps the institution improve its quality of services. Therefore, it will help Mount Sinai Hospital become one of the best hospitals in New York State. The leaders set to achieve this target by meeting and producing reports regarding the progress made by the DSRIP project (Mount Sinai, 2014). During these meetings, they are obliged to work together in assessing whether the project progresses as expected. They also evaluate the impact of the project on the hospital as the changes of the DSRIP requirements continue to be met. Through these processes, they can determine a section of the program that will lower the quality of the institution in a timely manner. Hence, they can recommend adjustments of the project in cases where quality is reduced. It is easy for the changes to be made unlike in the cases where changes are recommended after the completion of the project.
Leaders are tasked with ensuring that the adoption of the DSRIP does not lead to the institution incurring costs higher than it should. This is done both during the adoption process as well as after the adoption. The leaders assess the cost of the DSRIP project during the meetings they hold with every milestone of the project (Mount Sinai, 2014). Consequently, they have the capacity to recommend changes to the new system when they find out that it causes too high costs. These recommendations serve to ensure that the project achieves its objective of reducing the cost of services offered in hospitals since lower operational costs will lead to decreased charges for patients.
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Additionally, it is a requirement for any leader to practice the utmost ethics and standards within the facility for a better implementation of the DSRIP project. Thus, the CEO, CFO, and other staff are actively involved in the implementation of the project. Research suggests that leaders must adhere to the virtues and principles of good ethics and avoid being blinded by self-interest urges, which can negatively affect project management (Turner, 2016). For Mount Sinai Hospital, the leaders are supposed to adhere to the organization’s code of ethics and the requirements of the DSRIP project to avoid criticisms and controversies.
Evidently, the management of Mount Sinai Hospital works to ensure that the DSRIP implementation process is successful. They do this by ascertaining that they meet the government’s milestone report requirement, which helps ensure that the project receives the financial report it requires from the government. They also support the implementation process by involving stakeholders in the implementation process. Upon successful implementation of the project, the hospital will be able to offer high-quality services to stakeholders at low costs. It will also be able to maximize the resources at their disposal, operate with transparency, and maintain high accountability standards. Admittedly, leaders play an important role in the implementation of a project. The leaders at MSH must be transparent and practice servant leadership so that the project could be implemented on time and efficiently.