Interesting Facts

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Civil Rights
Civil Rights

A civil right is an imposable right, which, if impeded by another, provides rise to an action for injury. For instance, freedom of speech, right to vote, right to equality in public places, and freedom from instinctive servitude are examples of civil rights. Prejudice occurs whenever the civil rights of a person are impeded because […] Read more >>

The Great Persian War
The Great Persian War

In recent times, it was rather common to find great nations engaging in wars and battles. Apparently, most nations fought for political power and control in order to spread and expand their emperor. As a matter of fact, weak society or minority tribes almost didn’t have their own word. Mostly, the mentioned weak tribes become […] Read more >>

Leonardo da Vinci’s Dual Role of Artist and Scientist
Leonardo da Vincis Dual Role of Artist and Scientist

As one of the greatest artists of his time, Leonardo da Vinci has maintained this position until the present even after his death four hundred years ago. An in-depth look into his works reveals that they appeared as a result of the integration of art and science. He has been described as the original Renaissance […] Read more >>

Karl Marx and the Conflict Theory
Karl Marx and the Conflict Theory

The paper describes the life of the outstanding sociologist of the 19th century Karl Marx. It provides information about the connection between Marx’s life and his contributions to sociology. There is a definition of Conflict Theory and its detailed description. Karl Marx devoted all his life developing the image the perfect system: the communist society […] Read more >>

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