Jordan sneakers are the most popular type of shoes in the world today. The sneakers are easily recognizable by the Jumpman symbol printed on them. This logo is found on the sneaker’s heel and tongue. Jordan shoes have twenty- four different materializations, special editions and color combinations. It is critical to note that mainly, Jordan shoes were used by people playing basketball but later, the company started to offer other sneakers for athletes, baseball and football players (Kellner, 79). Currently, many people, particularly sneaker lovers, have vast collections of shoes in their homes. These shoes are used for different reasons and occasions. On the other hand, a certain group of people just buys them not considering what activity they are meant for. There are various classifications or categorizations of shoes. Consequently, there are people who categorize their shoes by the product names while others do it by their colors (Kellner, 80). In this case, Jordan shoes will be categorized into various categories. There are many varieties of Jordan shoes in the market with different designs, prices, and colors. Kellner (80) asserts that there are many classifications of the Jordan shoes in different categories such as modern basketball shoes, casual shoes, and retro’s which are the releases of the original air Jordan models and training shoes.
The first category will be modern basketball shoes. These shoes can be put under the athletic equipment category. Alternatively, they have a good history of creative ideas and endorsements by professional players, which has made the Jordan basketball shoes a style and status symbol. This category is further classified into various separate eras. The first era is the Jordan era, which is all about Michael Jordan who was one of the most celebrated basketball players and a marketing machine. They were first noticed in 1984 when Michael attended a game wearing them with his signature on. Air Jordan shoes were considered a step forward in the shoe design industry (Jackson, 82).
After the Jordan era, there emerged the Golden era, which came after the retirement of Michael Jordan in his basketball career. According to Jackson (88), the Jordan basketball shoe business flourished and started sponsoring and signing deals with other players of great talent. This improved basketball sport to a large extent. In this era, new materials, designs, and technologies were developed. In addition, there was a throwback era, which presented Jordan shoes in various shiny colors thus could catch the attention of everyone. They became a prevalent trend at that time. The last era of these basketball shoes is the new marketing. Both typical and new technology Jordan basketball shoes are on-demand and this has led to a price increase. These modern Jordan basketball shoes have put more concentration on technology and performance (Jackson, 90).
According to Title Boxing (2012), Jordan has different training shoes, which are in the market today, and they come in different styles. They either can be stability or cushioned shoes. The stability training shoes help in unimportant pronation. They assist in the flexibility of the trainee’s foot and enhance medical support. On the other hand, cushioned shoes help in providing extra protection to the trainee’s stability henceforth preventing injuries. Besides, the Jordan training shoes may not be used to play basketball because they do not have distinctive grooves at the foot.
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Jordan training shoes have the following recognizable features: a flywire construction, which supports ultra-light, pods that are strategically placed for excellent grip, mesh tongue, a sleeve for air circulation purposes, cushioned heel indentation for slippage prevention, a pull- tab for easy entry of the heel and a perfect fit. The Jordan Company designed shoes with lightweight technology to enhance support. The outer sole has a midfoot shank that provides stability and extra support. In the forefoot of the shoe, dual-density combines cushioning that is responsive (TitleBoxing, 2012).
There are also Jordan casual shoes that have attractive designs and very comfortable to wear. These shoes grab everyone’s attention due to their uniqueness, coupled with different colors used. The last category is Air Jordan’s latest releases, also known as “the retro”. They range from version one to twenty-two. This shows how the shoes have been developed since their early developments. The retro Jordan’s are new versions of the classic Jordan’s sneakers that Michael Jordan wore earlier. They are modified in either color or shape in order to match with the present trends (Nicekicks, 2012).
In conclusion, Jordan brand has a collection of different Jordan shoes that are hybrid and have individual components that are not similar to Air Jordan though they have a characteristic touch. The retro version of Jordan is twisted differently from the novel retro. This has made the retro style better. The shoe has been made with nubuck, which is perforated. The nubuck mainly covers the toe box, shoelaces, the rubber sole, which is vulcanized, and the sides (Nicekicks, 2012). To add on that, the retro has features like an elephant print all over the shoe, and there is an Air Jordan print on the shoe’s heel. There are other types of retro shoes with decent and better treatments from the Jordan Company. The shoes are meant for different purposes such as for basketball, athletes, and casual wear among other uses.