Grant Proposal For Preventing Unintentional Teen Pregnancy And Sexually Transmitted Infections

HomeEssaysGrant ProposalGrant Proposal For Preventing Unintentional Teen Pregnancy And Sexually Transmitted Infections
Teen Pregnancy And Sexually Transmitted Infections

Executive Summary

Teen pregnancy in the city of Michigan has been a burden to society. Several agencies have been in the field to try and reduce the incidences of teen pregnancy. However, this has not achieved the expected results. The rate of teen pregnancy has continued to increase since 2007 despite a gradual fall of 6% since 1991 to 2006 (Michigan teens sexual health statistics, 2007). Besides, there has also been an increase in the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Therefore there is need to step up efforts to reduce the menace. This proposal intends to help address this by use of BDI logic model. This will be achieved through concerted efforts with like-minded agencies.

Problem Analysis

Teen pregnancy aged 10-14 and 17-19-year-olds is high in Michigan. According to the sexual health statistics 2007 20,094 teens were pregnant aged 10-19 accounting for 11.4% of all women pregnancies aged 10-44 years. In 2010, public expenditure on childbearing among teens was $9.4 billion

It is therefore clear that early pregnancy pose an economic burden to the country and impacts negatively to the teens, which either end in early marriages or their dreams to pursue education are shuttered. This proposal will endeavor to address the issues that lead to teen pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases.

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Logic Model

The initiatives will apply the BDI logic model that has been proved to be effective as a useful tool to intensify and evaluate programs in addressing teen pregnancies, STD and HIV in a community setting. The components in the model will address the health agenda will be achieved, behaviors to be changed, the protective factors and the interventions intended to address each identified determinant.

Goals and Objectives

The main goal of the proposal is to reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. However, specifically, it will aim to:

Reduce the prevalence rates among teens aged 10-19

Enhance community mobilization against early pregnancies

Initiate and lobby for campaigns against STIs and HIV/AIDs

Program Approach and Methods

The program strategy will include evidence-based approach. It will identify effective programs that have been used to address the same issues then replicate the same in different community and subjects. The logic model will then be used to evaluate the progress of the program. However, such will only be used after the needs assessment has been carried out and the result is the same for the two settings and subjects. New programs will be developed and new logic model introduced should the needs assessments by and large differ.

Organizational structure and staffing

Program director

Operational coordinator

Project manager project manager project manager

Key staffing of the program are:

Program director

Operational coordinator

Three project managers in charge of major priority activities

Monitoring and Evaluation

The model adopted provides evaluation approach which the program shall be evaluated upon. However, monitoring activities will periodically (quarterly) be compared with expected outcomes, timelines and costs. Evaluation will give a judgment on how the program has impacted on the community especially on the conditions that generated the problems.

Program Work Plan

The program will be divided in phases in the 3-year period. The 1st phase will lay a strategy of the program and needs assessment to identify the priority problems and interventions to address these problems. The 2nd phase will involve implementation of interventions in partnerships or individually as the program, and monitoring the progress of the program. Third phase will be to strengthen and expand the program to other problems that aim our main goal and their respective interventions. [footnoteRef:1] The phases will be a series of activities that will be defined in our logic model and the work plan, monitoring and evaluation will be done periodically to ensure adherence to our program objectives, expectations, timelines and costs. [1: Phase will be six months]

Activities Year 1 (months): Implementing
I Inception phase:
1 Recruitment of staff x All
2 Planning meetings /potential partnering x All
3 Assessment of needs x x All
4 Design baseline study x x all
5 Training data-collectors x x
6 Implementation baseline studies x x
7 (accessibility and infrastructure) x All
8 Inventory of training materials x x All
9 Adapt selected training materials for project launch x x All
10 Launch project with stakeholders /potential partners x all
II  Result 1.

Activities for year two and three will be developed

Budget and Justification

The program is seeking a grant of $600,000 for the period of three years. The below budget will provide a breakdown of how the funds will be used to ensure achievement of the program goal.

Budget for the Action (3 years)

Costs In $
1. Human Resources 200,000-250,000
2. Travel 8,000- 10,000
3. Equipment and supplies 30,000-40,000
4. Office 20,000-40,000
5. Other costs, services 50,000-80,000
6. Other 100,000-150,000
7. Subtotal direct eligible costs of the Action (1-6) 600,000
8. Provision for contingency reserve (maximum 5% of 7, subtotal of direct eligible costs of the Action) 30,000
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