East Coast Software Company Limited
Internal Memo
TO: All Employees
FROM: The Office Manager
DATE: March 00, 2000
SUBJECT: The Use of Overnight or Second-Day Mail Shipments Services in the Organization
Dear Respected Employees,
It has come to the attention of the senior management of East Coast Software Company Limited that the organization has been incurring exorbitant costs in the recent past because of the increased use of overnight or second-day shipments services by employees. It has been realized that many employees are overusing these services. As a consequence, Federal Express and other shipping bills have been skyrocketing. These unnecessary expenses associated with overnight shipment services are controllable and should be avoided by all workers in the organization. In order to overcome this challenge, the following actions are recommended to be taken by all employees in the organization in order to help reduce the costs associated with the use of FedEx Express and other shipment services.
First and foremost, employees are advised to use e-mail and fax services when sending messages. The latter can be sent as zipped files which would cost very little. Moreover, fax messages cost only about 35 cents to most long-distance areas and nothing to local areas as compared to approximately 15-20 dollars charged for FedEx services. Whenever possible, employees are encouraged to obtain the FedEx accounts of the recipients and use them for charging the shipment.
Secondly, employees are encouraged to plan ahead and allow enough time to enable them to use the UPS and FedEx ground or ordinary mail services whose costs are relatively lower compared to overnight shipment services. The UPS and FedEx ground services take approximately three to five days. These services are preferred to overnight ones and should be used always. Employees will be allowed to use the overnight shipment services in emergency situations that require urgent delivery of the mails.
Esteemed employees, be aware that the company is devoted to reducing the costs it incurs in relation to overnight shipment services by fifty percent or more over the next two months. Therefore, all employees are requested to take appropriate actions to reduce their individual overnight shipment expenses by pursuing the alternatives suggested above.
Moreover, I would like to warn you that stern actions would be taken against any employee who violates these requirements. If no reasonable cost reductions are experienced over the next two months, severe restrictions would be imposed in the future by the senior management to regulate the use of mailing and shipment services in the company.
To conclude, we are looking forward to collaboration and successful cost reduction in our reputed organization.
Yours sincerely,
Office Manager.