Research Paper

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gender difference
The Gender Differences in Risk-Taking

The risk-taking ability is crucial for personal well-being and business success, as well as for the reduction of global poverty. The current research focuses on the gender and its impact on the decision-making pattern. To test if there is any correlation between the sex and ability to take timely decisions in life-threatening situations in a […] Read more >>

ADHD in Sociology
ADHD in Sociology

ADHD is currently a serious dilemma concerning children’s health, since medical providers identify it as a healthcare issue caused by mental disorders, while sociologists insist that ADHD is a sociological problem. The purpose of the research is to investigate the sociological standpoint of the disorder, and define what sociological factors may lead to ADHD and […] Read more >>

Aviation Physiology
Aviation Physiology

Introduction Aviation physiology studies the effects of high altitudes on the body during aviation-related journeys. Specifically, it largely deals with the fluctuations in levels of oxygen and pressure during the flight. The body reacts differently at higher altitudes, which can lead to increased cardiac output and the production of erythrocytes. These changes result in the […] Read more >>

Aircraft Mechanic vs. Managers of Aviation Operations
Mindset Difference: Aircraft Mechanic vs. Managers of Aviation Operations

Abstract The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides aircraft mechanics with authority to perform maintenance of aircrafts to ensure their safety. This includes rejection of managers’ decisions if they jeopardize safety unethically. Although managers can override mechanics’ decisions, mechanics are ultimately responsible for aircraft safety. This authority is a source of conflict, which could create miscommunication […] Read more >>

Global Warning
Global Warming

Introduction Certain amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor allow the Sun to heat the planet but, at the same time, interfere with the exit of infrared radiation into space. All these gases are responsible for maintaining the temperature that is required for life on earth. However, raising concentrations of carbon dioxide, […] Read more >>

jet traspost system
Jet Transport System: The More Electric Aircraft in Civil Aviation

The number of air passengers and air cargo has rocketed in the new century thanks to constant improvement of the air transport vessels by aeronautical engineers as well as other professionals in the aviation industries. Air travel is arguably the fastest, safest and the most efficient means of transport. Airplanes exhibit different efficiencies depending on […] Read more >>

Evaluation of Aviation Component Failures due to Corrosion

A Research Project Proposal In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Course ASCI 490, The Aeronautical Science Capstone Course, for the Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics Degree Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract The paper details evaluation of aviation components problems and failures due to corrosion and how the researcher will apply the eleven program outcomes (which […] Read more >>

Cognitive Development During Middle Childhood
Cognitive Development during Middle Childhood

Concrete-operational Period The concrete-operational period refers to a phase of cognitive development in which a child can perform various mental activities and develop thoughts by utilizing concrete concepts. Ordinarily, children are in the age bracket of between seven and eleven years and have the capacity of conversation about volume, area, numbers, and orientation. Conversation refers […] Read more >>

Computer Addiction
Computer Addiction

Since the advent of modernity and civilization, computer technology has played a pivotal role in the development of humanity. With the advancement of technology and consequently the use of computers in the 21st century, the human race has witnessed improvements in education, medicine, commerce, and communication. In fact, most research studies have shown that no […] Read more >>

College Education and Recidivism
College Education and Recidivism

Abstract This paper provides a report on the benefits that can be achieved if inmates are given a high school education. It involves a study that is conducted in a number of incarceration centers in California. Furthermore, it involves an analysis of inmates’ education records of California incarceration centers to come up with a conclusion […] Read more >>
