Lessons from the Office of Student Conduct and Writing Center Referral
My actions that led to interaction with the Office of Student Conduct are based on missing lectures which is depicted as going against college rules and regulations. Furthermore, I did not conduct myself fairly in the course of class hours. I embarked on making noises and chatting using my mobile phone while in class. This made the Professor angry who then referred me to the Office of Student Conduct in order to ascertain the reasons for my behavior. I think that I chose bad friends who came to college without a positive objective concerning their academic prowess. I also think that the academic stress I was going through during the period of studies managed to keep me off-track and away from academics.
As a result of not attending classes and lectures, my academic life downgraded immensely. This is reflected by the low marks that I got in each and every examinable subject I partook in the course of the last semester. Consequently, I also lost interest in the subjects which I used to love in high school. This is the cause of stress and discomfort I am undergoing at the moment.
The lack of interest in classes also negatively impacted the academic life of my other two friends. This has been reflected by the poor grades they have continued to get at exams. They have also been subjected to numerous academic break-offs which have catapulted their negative results even more. I think that I should have chosen more friends in the course of admission. I did not decide fairly and thus put standards according to which I chose friends in my academic life. This has, all along, been the cause of my academic downfall. Subsequently, I think that I should have chosen to attend classes since the first day of admission. In this manner, I would have saved enough effort which I could later use to catch-up and become equal with the rest of my colleagues.
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In the future, I think I will manage to keep off from negative friends and thus attend most of the classes in order to gain as much knowledge as needed. In this manner, I will be in a fair position to perform the exams exemplarily.
Spending time at the Writing Center Referral, I managed to learn numerous ways a student can keep off from elements of plagiarism. There was a significant number of books that expounded on numerous referencing methodologies as well as in-text citations. This resourceful information was also put down in academic journals which explained the manner in which one can detect elements of the academic vice. I believe that I will use this information in the future when writing dissertations for the MBA class I hope to undertake.
Academic misconduct lowers the level of competency which is highly associated with the UNLV community. This, in turn, raises the integrity and trust questions on any resource materials presented by the community. In my opinion, ethics and integrity mean that persons need to conduct themselves in a rightful manner in order to avoid elements of academic cheats and thus gain trust in the academic community.
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To sum up, my level of citation skills has been improved immensely. This is attributed to the fact that I have been enlightened about the numerous citation styles used in academic writing. I have also learned to keep off from elements of plagiarism given the fact that effective referencing eliminates the academic vice completely.