Milk Directed by Gus Van Sant
The movie Milk gives viewers an insight into the discrimination and struggles of the gay community in the 1970s. During this period, American society got depicted as a hostile environment for homosexuals since people considered such behavior as propellers of societal moral decadence. The film focuses on Harvey Milk and his efforts as a gay activist in the society striving to achieve political equality. The movie’s theme is so powerful that it changes the perception of any viewer on political sensibility. The fact that Milk got elected as the first gay representative was capable of transforming other people’s opinions on social differences and political equality.
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1. Milk’s decision to establish a gay salon in San Francisco and run for a political seat with his lover Scott Smith as the chief campaigner is an indication of inclusiveness and equality that American society has yearned for since independence. 2. The day Dan White won the elections marked a new beginning in American history as the community accepted differences in sexual orientation. 3. The 1978 struggle to lift bans on gays from applying for school jobs depicted the worst face of inequality in American society.
Scenes supporting Thesis
1. The film begins with the scenes of gay community members being arrested by law enforcement in bars, handcuffed, and thrown in wagons. 2. In another scene, Milk was depicted in a head debate with Senator Brigg who was the proponent of a bill banning gays from teaching in schools in California. Brigg argued that gay teachers would influence children and enable them to develop the same personalities. To counter his argument, Milk asserted that he was raised up by heterosexual parents and taught by teachers of different genders. 3. In one of the scenes, Harvey Milk received a call from an anonymous gay child who complained about his parents’ plan to take him for homosexuality cure forcefully. The boy explained his inability to run away from home, but Milk advised him to fly to Los Angeles.
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Introductory paragraph
Any viewer of the film Milk would understand struggles and discrimination the gay community underwent during the 1970s. All gay representatives in the movie got portrayed in a hostile environment where the society did not accept them. But all the efforts and struggles for political equality, which have been spearheaded by Harvey Milk, have the power to change any viewer’s perception of the gay community.
My Own Private Idaho. Directed by Gus Van Sant
It appears to be difficult for any viewer to like the behavior of characters in the movie My Own Private Idaho. The film propagates all the negative perceptions people have developed against homosexuals. It would be difficult for the film to transform one’s political sensibility on homosexuals considering behaviors of the characters, such as stealing and engaging in sex with strangers for money.
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Topic sentences
1. One would find it hard to sympathize with characters in the movie My Own Private Idaho, as despite being homosexuals they promote other behaviors, such as prostitution and theft to earn a living. 2. Homosexuals got portrayed as wrongdoers, prostitutes, and drug abusers. In modern society, many people associate gay with promiscuity, and the film propels that stigma against such people. 3. The protagonists in the movie are not only struggling to survive but openly expressing their sexual identity. Hardships and lies characterize their journey to establishing sexual identity.
Scenes supporting Thesis
1. In the hotel scene, an argument ensued between Bob and his colleagues over some money earned from prostitution. As the characters enjoy themselves with hard drinks, a fight begins when Bob fails to justify the disappearance of the money. 2. During Bob’s funeral, the other male prostitutes became violent and exhibited behaviors that contradicted society’s expectations during funeral ceremonies. Instead of remaining silent, homosexuals started a fight among themselves distracting the whole event. 3. In another hotel scene, the little Dutch boy met a stranger but expressed his willingness to engage in sex in exchange for money. The stranger agreed to have sex, thus, promoting promiscuity.
Introductory paragraph
Despite the hardships the young homosexuals experienced to survive, any viewer would find it hard to sympathize with the characters. Instead of fighting for their lives, they engage in acts that endanger their lives, such as drug abuse, prostitution, and theft. Moviegoers would empathize with homosexuals suffering discrimination from members of the society, but the film My Own Private Idaho depicts a group of characters exposing their lives to the vulnerable environment.
Do the Right Thing. Directed by Spike Lee.
In the movie Do the Right Thing, Lee focuses on racial discrimination within a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. Various characters in the community engage in arguments concerning racial differences. Despite the fact that an individual’s perception of racial differences cannot transform another person’s political sensibility, the environment and society’s demands for ethnic equality has the power to change someone’s view on ethnic differences.
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1. In the movie, Lee delved on many personality likes and dislikes. Various neighbors treated other characters as either good people or bad people. 2. Based on his point on racial discrimination, Lee asserted that ethnicity should not be the basis for selecting people to associate and interact with society. 3. As well as conservatives usually disagree with liberalists, individuals with a selfish interest cannot agree with the proponents of collective responsibility in society.
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Scenes supporting thesis
1. In the film, Sal got depicted as a racist. In the site of a harsh clash between him and other black characters, Bugging Out initiated the argument by accusing Sal of hanging pictures of white celebrities instead of blacks. Being a white, Sal refused to heed to their request leading to the destruction of property in the Pizzeria. 2. In one of the scenes, Bugging Out is again at the center of racial conflict when he claims that no white people usually eat at Sal’s Pizzeria and decides to mobilize African Americans to boycott Sal’s business. 3. In another scene of racial discrimination, three great friends, Sweet Dick, Coconut Sid, and ML, sit in a particular corner and discuss Korean business operators along the streets.
Introductory paragraph
Watching the movie Do the Right Thing, any person would be disgusted with senseless racial discrimination among various characters. Being insensitive to racial differences cannot contribute anything positive to society but only lead to the destruction of property, social conflicts, and lack of peace. In severe cases, racial discrimination can result in death. Therefore, any viewer of the film would find himself changing their negative perceptions of racial differences.
Boyz N the Hood. Directed by John Singleton
Many societies still struggle with various cases of social injustices and discrimination. In the film Boyz N the Hood, the society depicted as a hot spot for racial discrimination and other social problems, such as gender discrimination, drug abuse, and illegal weapons. Anyone who watches the film would feel transformed regarding political sensibility and think of what the government can do regarding policy formulation and resource allocation to alleviate such problems.
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1. Gender inequality is a major concern in the society depicted in the film. Women have been granted fewer opportunities and power compared to their male counterparts. 2. Based on the movie set up, racial discrimination is not unique. Despite the fact that the neighborhood is dominated by African Americans, there is a constant ethnic conflict. 3. The society is depicted as a structure that lacks proper laws guiding weapons handling. Many people illegally own guns and use various weapons to kill and commit other crimes subjecting society to constant torture.
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Scenes supporting thesis
1. In one of the scenes, Tre’s devoted friends Ricky and Doughboy engaged in drug abuse and got portrayed as a part of a gang terrorizing the community in Los Angeles. Both characters have depicted social crimes booming in society. 2. In another scene, many young women appeared in the streets idling and lacking something constructive to do but rather engage in gossips. Therefore, the community got portrayed as a place where women have no opportunities. 3. Tre’s father got threatened as he tried to cross a road by a gang who had guns. The occupants of the red car threatened to shoot him on the head in case he screamed. Such acts represent a violent society where people do whatever they wish.
Introductory paragraph
The society in Los Angeles is ailing from many social problems. As depicted in the film Boyz N the Hood, the society got hooked in racial discrimination, gender inequality, and social crimes, such as robbery and illegal firearms. Based on the devastating effects of such problems on society, any viewer of the movie would change their thinking towards finding better solutions to the challenges. The film would significantly influence the political sensibility of spectators.