Film Review
“God Save My Shoes” is a documentary about footwear: designers, celebrities, and other people, connected with the fashion industry, share their opinions about shoes. All of them adore shoes, and they are not able to live without them. For one, shoe-making is a profession, for others shoes are a powerful weapon. The title of the film fits it because shoes are sacred for most people who are obsessed with them. By most people I mean women.
The film may have a deep impact on those people who worship shoes. The book “The Meanings of Dress” would be interesting for those who are fond of fashion. The film and the book are so closely connected to a dress and shoes. Both pieces of clothing demonstrate a person’s character, mood, preferences, style, and way of life. Any dress, even if it is plain, will look fabulous if to wear it with a pair of exquisite shoes.
Some women are not able to imagine their life without buying shoes, some women buy only designer footwear. These women can lose consciousness if they hear such words, as Prada, Manolo Blahnik, and Christian Louboutin. However, most women prefer not to try a pair on unless they are going to buy it. Designer shoes can be very expensive because of the idea, natural leather, and special accessories: Swarovski crystals, silver, or golden brooches. Designers make shoes unique, and they make a woman feel like a princess.
The shoe industry is very profitable: according to the movie (2011), “People spend about 40 billion dollars on shoes in the USA”. The shoe industry will never die because every woman buys even more than 2 pairs of shoes a year. Besides, some shoe-maniacs have more than 1000 pairs of shoes. I will not be surprised if I hear that this person does not cease shoe-shopping even it will mean starvation. These people consider shoes to be an art, so they buy even inconvenient shoes which they can never wear because they are too tight, or even not of their size. The shoes just look pretty.
Any shopping makes our mood better, but shoe-shopping makes women feel like they are flying. Even if a woman goes back from work after a difficult day, she will go shoe-shopping with great pleasure, no matter how tired she is.
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Shoe-mania is spread all around the world. The only difference is that people in developing countries cannot afford to buy designer shoes and most of their footwear is Chinese. Nevertheless, the influence of shoes made in China is practically the same: they look quite pretty, and they improve the mood, as well. They are just cheap and not so strong-durable.
After the appearance of the movie Sex & the City, the obsession about shoes became even more wide-spread. The protagonists of the movie are fabulous: they know everything about sex, fashion, and style. And all of them are shopaholics. They live in a world of brands and everybody wants to look like them. Every woman, who has watched this film, dreams about buying Manolo Blahnik shoes.
A woman wearing high-heeled shoes will always attract men. Any woman will look extremely sexy in stiletto shoes.
Nobody knows who the first to invent stiletto heels was. Just right after the appearance, spike heels became the symbol of independence, sexuality, and feminism.
Some women participate in special competitions where they have to run, wearing high-heeled shoes. The competitions are held every year, and the sponsors of the show offer a valuable prize for the winner.
This film can make anybody love shoes. Every woman should have nice high-heeled shoes in her closet. When a woman is depressed, she can always look at stiletto-shoes and smile.
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