The Packaging of Products
Three main graphic aspects of packaging: bright red color as the main on the packaging, the brand’s character (fictional) is large and located in the center, the product’s serving example is shown.
Bathroom Tissue
Three main graphic aspects of packaging: the packaging is transparent so that the product is seen, the logo of the brand occupies most space, small quality, and safety certification signs are located at the bottom.
Laundry Detergent
Three main graphic aspects of packaging: logo of the brand is in the center, several advantages of the products are listed, the bottle has a bright orange color
Three main graphic aspects of packaging: white and blue colors dominate, the logo of the same colors in the top, fruits are demonstrated in the bottom to identify the taste
Orange Juice
Three main graphic aspects of packaging: the packaging is transparent to make product visible, the sticker occupies half of the space with the brand name on it, photo of an orange occupies a large part of the sticker
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Brand: Scott
One of the exciting brands to be observed among the five product categories is bathroom tissue producer, Scott. Scott is a brand that is a part of Kimberly-Clark. It produces various goods for home use, and it is one of the largest brands in terms of bathroom tissue market share. In terms of the observed product, packaging plays a crucial role in creating consumer value and adequately using the brand power. The brand’s logo is large on it, and it says the brand’s name clearly. Scott’s name appeals to consumers because it is a trusted brand, which means the power of the brand is used in this case. The fact that the packaging is transparent is an essential part of the consumer value because it contributes to trust. The customers can see what exactly they get, and they understand that the producers does not cover anything. The same is right about the certifications. Similar instruments are used in packaging of other Scott’s products, such as paper towels.
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