The Whale Done! by Ken Blanchard, book review was devoted to the main aspects that are necessary to be observed in any book. Firstly, the main idea of the book and its actuality were discussed. The book content, customer’s market and the main goal of the work were observed too. In addition to the book content, the part of the author’s biography and his qualification in the topic of the book were given. In addition to the already highlighted questions, the book review contains a critique of the utility and quality of the information, provided in the book. The relativity to the class discussions and life experiences were presented too.
It would be proper to admit that the studied book is intended for the wide circle of readers. However, there are some particular groups of people that can take the maximal result from reading the provided book: parents and company managers. The author of the book is a well-qualified writer that has a number of degrees in disciplines that are connected to psychology, group management, and leadership. The quality and utility of the information that is provided in the book refer to the multiple studies in the spheres of religion, psychology, and leadership. Moreover, the techniques that are proposed in the book received good feedback from the readers that tried to transfer those recommendations into their lives. The information that is provided in Ken Blanchard’s work has an obvious parallel with the topics that were discussed in the class. The provided work has multiple advantages in comparison to the similar books of the other authors. However, it has a peculiarity that can be observed both as strengths and weaknesses. This peculiarity is based on the fact that the book is directed mostly to those people that have strong self-discipline. As to the question of contemporariness of the provided work, the recommendations that Ken Blanchard provides in the book will never get old and will stand a test of any period of time. Moreover, the provided book has great pragmatic potential. For example, the information that is presented in the studied work can be used as a guideline for managers that are responsible for teamwork.
To conclude the information above, it is proper to state that the book Whale Done! by Ken Blanchard can be recommended to the wide circle of readers. Especially, the information that is provided in the book is important for those people that are looking for the way of changing their lives to the brighter and more positive side. In addition to all the provided information, it would be important to remind that this book can be useful only for highly-disciplined personalities.